I don't know what it is that happens, but somehow life just seems go into the dreaded snowball effect. "Life isn't passing me by, it's trying to run me over." That's a mantra I use often. Just when you think you might a good grasp on life, something starts spiraling out of control. I wish things were simpler: Maybe then I could understand why certain things had to happen. As I've gotten older, I've come to realize things only get more complicated (surprise surprise).
It's time to learn how to deal with life. Now where to begin...
Right now, I feel like curling up in bed so I can cry: I'm forcing back tears as I type. I think it's about that time when I finally break down. I just feel so lost; even though, I act like I have it all together. Inside, insecurity is eating me alive. I have to stop acting like every thing's ok when I know it isn't. I push everything away, then when the pressure gets to be more than I can take I break, pick up the pieces, and start the whole process again. Not once have I actually tried to confront myself. Why am I still trying to fool myself? I know something's wrong.
I see everyone around me trying to become a better person, but what am I doing? Nothing. Becoming bitter cause I'm too immature to actually deal with things.
On a more positive note, thank you Lenore for the recent blog award! I will try to pass that around asap.